This page will updated with information as Tenders become available.

The Shire uses an electronic procurement portal hosted by Tenderlink. It is designed to improve the efficiency of procurement, reducing the time and costs for both the Shire and our suppliers.

To use this system and to access the procurement opportunities being published on the portal, relevant to the service your business provides, you must first be a registered provider with Tenderlink (registering is simple and cost-free). The portal also lists the current requests that are “open” for a submission with the Shire of Donnybrook Balingup.


About Tenders

As per section 3.57 of the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act), a local government is required to invite tenders before it enters into a contract of a prescribed kind under which another person is to supply goods or services.

In accordance with the Local Government (Functions & General) Regulations 1996 (the Regulations), tenders are to be publicly invited if the goods or services in question is, or is expected to be, more than $250,000. The exception to this is when the value is less than that value, if there is an emergency, or as otherwise stated in the legislation.


Tenders (purchases greater than $250,000)

All tenders, pre-qualified supplier panels and expressions of interest are advertised on the Shire's Tenderlink page (linked above). Registration is simple and cost free. Tenders are also publicly advertised in various locations, ranging from our social media platforms and newspapers to emailed newsletters and posters on noticeboards around the area.

Requests for Quotation (purchases less than $250,000)

A Request for Quotation (RFQ) is usually to be directed to the Shire directly, with instructions available for each Request as appropriate. 


Associated Policy: FIN/CP-4, Purchasing

View our Policies

2023 - 2024 Period

01 - 2324, Cundinup Kirup Road - Road Upgrade
02 - 2324, VC Mitchell Park Oval Lighting Upgrades
04 - 2324, Road Sweeping & Pipe/Pit Cleaning
05 - 2324, Public Toilet, Buildings and BBQ Facilities Cleaning

2022 - 2023 Period

01 - 2223, Southampton Road Reconstruction & Path Upgrade
02 - 2223, Langley Villas Refurbishment Works
03 - 2223, Collins Street Road & Path Upgrade

05 - 2223, Tree Pruning Services

2021 - 2022 Period

01 - 2122, Collins Street & Steere Street Road Upgrade
02 - 2122, Southampton Road Balingup Road Reconstruction
03 - 2122, Wet Plant Hire
04 - 2122, Design & Construct of Built Form & Infrastructure (Donnybrook VC Mitchell Park Precinct)
05 - 2122, Traffic Management Services

2020 - 2021 Period

01 - 2021, Road Sweeping & Pit Pipe Cleaning
02 - 2021, Management of Balingup Waste Transfer Station
03 - 2021, Supply & Transportation of Bulk Waste Containers (Balingup Waste Transfer Station)
04 - 2021, Design & Construct (Donnybrook Pump Track)

2019 - 2020 Period

01 - 1920, Tuia Lodge Fire Suppression System

02 - 1920, Design & Construction of Dementia Wing (Tuia Lodge)
03 - 1920, Donnybrook Town Centre Revitalisation Project
04 - 1920, Tree Pruning Services
05 - 1920, Apple Fun Park Redevelopment

Past Tenders & More Information

For further information or to ask about other Tenders, please contact the Shire Administration Office.

Contact Us