Our Water Sampling Program

The Shire of Donnybrook Balingup undertakes a water sampling program in collaboration with the WA Department of Health. The program routinely assesses the water quality of public aquatic facilities, environmental waterways used for recreational purposes, and food businesses and publicly used property where mains water is not available.


Aquatic Facilities

The Shire samples every public aquatic facility in our district. This includes measuring the levels of bacteria, amoeba, pH, disinfectant (chlorine or bromine), and temperature.

Results are assessed against the chemical and microbiological water standards set in the Code of Practice for the design, construction, operation, management and maintenance of aquatic facilities.


Recreational and Environmental Waterways

The Shire samples the following recreational and environmental waterways between November to May annually, when recreational use is at its peak. 

  • Preston River (two sites in the Donnybrook townsite)
  • Glen Mervyn Dam (north east access area and south west campsite)
  • Balingup Brook (Balingup Transit Park and Birdwood Park Brook)
  • Grimwade Dam
  • Hegarty Creek (at Wright’s Bridge)

Sampling tests for the presence of amoeba and bacteria. The results are interpreted by the WA Department of Health to determine and assign a temporary risk classification for each water body. The grades for all of Western Australia’s identified recreational/environmental waters can be viewed on the WA Department of Health website below.

Beach Grades for WA


Drinking Water

The Shire samples the water supply of food businesses and some publicly used properties that use a non-reticulated water supply for handwashing and drinking. Results are assessed against the microbial water quality standards set in the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. To meet microbiological standards, businesses typically require the installation of water filtration units.

Please note that the Shire does not provide a private property drinking water sampling service, however there are other companies within the region that can provide this.