Office HoursMonday - Friday: 8.30am - 4.00pm
(08) 9780 4200
PO Box 94, Donnybrook, WA 6239
1 Bentley St, Donnybrook, WA 6239
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The pedestrian crossing at the Irishtown Rd Bridge will be closed Thursday 16 - Friday 17 January for repair works. Thank you for your cooperation.
Published on Friday, 19 April 2024 at 1:00:00 PM
These items should go into general waste. If you have a large amount of tapes or cassettes, you should take these directly to your local waste facility (Donnybrook or Balingup) for disposal.
These items should go in your recycling bin. Make sure that they're clean first!
Coffee Grounds and Bamboo (or wooden) Cutlery is to go in your FOGO (Food Organics Garden Organics) bin. Keep in mind that since bamboo or wooden cutlery and utensils are not considered priority FOGO-feedstock materials, their sorting may change in the future!
Find your nearest drop-off point!
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