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In accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, local governments have legislative power to make local laws where prescribed, or necessary, for the good governance of the local district.


Our Local Laws


The following local laws, or sections of local laws, have been repealed within the last 7 years:



Elected Member Training

Training Register

Gifts and Travel Register

The Gifts and Travel Contributions Register contains disclosures of gifts that have been made by Elected Members, the Chief Executive Officer and Employees in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995

Elected Members and the Chief Executive Officer are required to disclose gifts which are valued over $300, or are two or more gifts with a cumulative value over $300 (where the gifts are received from the same donor in a 12 month period) within 10 days of receipt (Sections 5.87A & 5.87B Local Government Act 1995).

2023-2024 Gifts and Travel Contributions Register

Complaints Register - Minor Breaches

Pursuant to section 5.121 of the Local Government Act 1995, the Register of Certain Complaints of Minor Breaches contains records of complaints that result in a finding under section 5.110(2)(a) that a minor breach has occurred.

The Chief Executive Officer must publish an up-to-date version of the Register on the local government’s official website.

Register of Certain Complaints of Minor Breaches 2023-2024

Delegations Register

Local governments have responsibility for decision making assigned under a wide range of legislation. Each power or duty described in legislation requires local governments to fulfil a mandatory duty, or use a discretionary power to make these decisions. Delegation is the process that enables local governments to delegate its power or duties, towards enabling efficient and effective strategic, financial and operational management decisions to be made.

The delegations contained within the Delegations Register are made to Committee's pursuant to Section 5.16 of the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act), and to the Chief Executive Officer pursuant to Section 5.42 of the Act. Where listed, some of these functions are also delegated by the Chief Executive Officer to Shire Employees (sub-delegated) pursuant to Section 5.44 of the Act and other legislation where specified. 

The Delegations Register aligns with Outcome 11.1 of the Council Plan "Provide strategically focused, open and accountable governance". 

2023-2024 Delegations Register

Register of Primary and Annual Returns

Elected Members and Designated Employees (those employees who have delegations attached to their roles) are required to lodge a Primary Return within 3 months of their start date and an Annual Return by 31 August each year, pursuant to sections 5.75 and 5.76 of the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act). 

In accordance with Section 5.96A(1)(i) of the Act and Regulation 29(c) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, the name of each Elected Member and the position of each Employee who lodged a Primary or Annual Return for a financial year must be published on the local government's website.

Register of Primary & Annual Returns

Lease Register

Lease Register



Part 5 of the Freedom of Information Act 1992 (FOI Act) requires each government agency, including local governments, to prepare and publish an Information Statement. This document is also required to be updated annually. The Information Statement contains information on the process for lodging a Freedom of Information application with the Shire in accordance with the FOI Act.

Information Statement 2023-2024

Enquiries regarding the Information Statement or FOI process can be made by contacting the Shire's Freedom of Information Coordinator on ph: (08) 9780 4200 between 9:00am and 4:30pm Monday to Friday, or via email: shire@donnybrook.wa.gov.au.



This page is updated with information as Tenders become available.

The Shire of Donnybrook Balingup uses an electronic procurement portal hosted by Tenderlink. It is designed to improve the efficiency of procurement, reducing the time and costs for both the Shire and our suppliers.

To use this system and to access the procurement opportunities being published on the portal, relevant to the service your business provides, you must first be a registered provider with Tenderlink. Registering is free of charge. The portal also lists the current requests that are “open” for a submission with the Shire of Donnybrook Balingup.

Tenderlink Portal


About Tenders

As per section 3.57 of the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act), a local government is required to invite tenders before it enters into a contract of a prescribed kind under which another person is to supply goods or services.

In accordance with the Local Government (Functions & General) Regulations 1996 (the Regulations), tenders are to be publicly invited if the goods or services in question is, or is expected to be, more than $250,000. The exception to this is when the value is less than that value, if there is an emergency, or as otherwise stated in the legislation.


Tenders (purchases greater than $250,000)

All tenders, pre-qualified supplier panels and expressions of interest are advertised on the Shire's Tenderlink page. Registration is simple and cost free. Tenders are also publicly advertised in various locations, ranging from our social media platforms and newspapers to emailed newsletters and posters on noticeboards around the area.


Requests for Quotation (purchases less than $250,000)

A Request for Quotation is usually to be directed to the Shire directly, with instructions available for each Request as appropriate. 


Associated Policy: FIN/CP-4, Purchasing

View our Policies

2023 - 2024 Period

02 - 2324, VC Mitchell Park Oval Lighting Upgrades

2022 - 2023 Period

01 - 2223, Southampton Road Reconstruction & Path Upgrade
02 - 2223, Langley Villas Refurbishment Works
03 - 2223, Collins Street Road & Path Upgrade

05 - 2223, Tree Pruning Services

2021 - 2022 Period

01 - 2122, Collins Street & Steere Street Road Upgrade
02 - 2122, Southampton Road Balingup Road Reconstruction
03 - 2122, Wet Plant Hire
04 - 2122, Design & Construct of Built Form & Infrastructure (Donnybrook VC Mitchell Park Precinct)
05 - 2122, Traffic Management Services

2020 - 2021 Period

01 - 2021, Road Sweeping & Pit Pipe Cleaning
02 - 2021, Management of Balingup Waste Transfer Station
03 - 2021, Supply & Transportation of Bulk Waste Containers (Balingup Waste Transfer Station)
04 - 2021, Design & Construct (Donnybrook Pump Track)

2019 - 2020 Period

01 - 1920, Tuia Lodge Fire Suppression System

02 - 1920, Design & Construction of Dementia Wing (Tuia Lodge)
03 - 1920, Donnybrook Town Centre Revitalisation Project
04 - 1920, Tree Pruning Services
05 - 1920, Apple Fun Park Redevelopment

Past Tenders & More Information

For further information or to ask about other Tenders, please contact the Shire Office on (08) 9780 4200, email shire@donnybrook.wa.gov.au , or use our Contact Us online form.